Anthrax The Disease

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
Anthrax' in recent times has become very well publicised in this time of uncertainty. With the threat of terrorism lingering, anthrax has been documented in its use as a biological warfare agent. The following will discuss what type of disease anthrax is, the symptoms of infection, what is occurring at the cellular level to cause the symptoms and possible treatments available to counteract anthrax effects. Anthrax also known as splenic fever, malignant pustule or woolsorter's …

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…from the coetaneous form. Anthrax can be a fatal disease and although we do not have a cure there is a vaccine available and many treatments available that can also be highly effective, but generally only in early stages of detection. Coetaneous anthrax is the most common type and the easiest type to prevent because the bacillus anthracis attack the cuts and abrasions in your skin. This is why it's called the woolsorter's disease. -