Anthem by Amy Rand- Important Quotes Explained

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
Anthem Quotes Essay <Tab/> The book Anthem by Amy Rand is the first person story of Equality 7-2521, a man raised in a community where all men are equal and everyone is brother to their fellow man. But Equality 7-2521 was not the typical person, for he was very intelligent, and always felt that there was more to life to be discovered. He wanted to be a scholar so he could …

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…many wise ideas that would probably come to be realized in the future. Equality 7-2521, who finally changed his name to Prometheus, showed himself and The Golden One, who he now calls Gaea, how to be free from a community of complete equality and how to love one person more than all men. Individualism, independence, love... these are the ideas that Prometheus comes to learn and say for the world. <Tab/>