Antebellum Periods and Reforms

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Essay Database > History
The Ante-bellum Period and The Reforms The overwhelming number of reforms in the ante-bellum period was a result the rapid change that was occurring around the country. These changes were seen in economics, politics and society. Americans reacted in a nationwide panic which created doubts of the goodness of the changes America was going through. The institution and then rise of the market economy and the Second Great Awakening had the greatest effect on America. …

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…period was filled with too much change for the American's to ignore. The constant reforms came out of all different results of different changes. Each reform had a root from the people who were most greatly effected from the new America. Political, social, and economic aspects took on new identities as the market economy and the Second Great Awakening occurred. As America kept changing, people started to reform it into a way of their liking.