Answers the question "Why War?"

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Philosophy
Power, it is what everyone seeks in this world. How you get to it is up to you. Many people try to manipulate others into believing what they say. Others use brute force. Now imagine if both of those tactics are combined. When you do, you get war. Now two types of people are included in war, the solider, and the commander. The power hungry, manipulative, and the forceful; are all known as government officials. …

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…ideas of "power hungry" and the two different types of people involved in war. In conclusion, I feel that many people go to war, or fight in general for that matter, as a way to earn more power. By being victorious on the battlefield or in your living room arguing, you gain power and respect by the opposing side. Perhaps this is why sports were invented; at least we are smart enough to do that.