Anorexia Athletcia - Exercise Obsession syndrome

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Anorexia Athletica (Compulsive Exercising) Sociologists say we live in an age of narcissism, and self-absorption; preoccupied with our looks and bodies, unrealistic expectations become the norm. Both men and women are expected to achieve perfect or near-perfect bodies: slim, toned, strong, agile, and aesthetically appealing. The closer people get to the cultural ideal, the more they notice the flaws that remain. We want to live to a hundred, never be sick, keep all our hair, …

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…Fox., KR, Exercise and Health Psychology: emerging relationships; 1989; British Journal of Medical Psychology. The British Psychological Society. 26.Smith, 'Excessive weight loss and food aversion in athletes simulating anorexia nervosa', Paediatrics Vol 66(1), ppl39-142. 27.Sundgot-Borgen, 'Prevalence of eating disorders in elite female athletes', Int J Sport Nut Vol3 pp29-40. 28.Perna Frank M, Psychological Stress and Athlete's Health-Opening up the Physiological Box (Research paper), 1997; W Virginia University, Morgantown. (