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Essay Database > Literature > English
Anorexia nervosa is an emotional illness in which a person refuses to eat. It occurs chiefly among adolescent girls and young women. The word anorexia means without appetite, but anorexics may be extremely hungry most of the time. They avoid food for psychological reasons. Some anorexics experience bouts of bulimia--an overwhelming craving for food--during which they consume large amounts of food. Afterward, they make themselves vomit. The chief physical symptom of anorexia nervosa is severe …

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…influences, and social pressures. As yet, little scientific evidence supports this widespread theory. However, group therapy, a technique of treating psychological disorders, has reportedly helped many bulimics stop their binge-eating. Research suggests that some cases of bulimia may be caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. In various studies, treatment with antidepressant drugs has helped many bulimic patients gain partial or full relief from their symptoms. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography** Encarta 95', World Book CD rom.