Anomie and Strain Theory

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Essay Database > History > European History
Anomie theory provides an explanation of the concentration of crime. The theory leans heavily on the work of one of several founders of sociology, Emile Durkheim, who used the term anomie to describe the lack of social regulation in modern societies as one manner that could elevate higher suicide rates. Robert Merton, a criminologist that applied Durkheim's definition of anomie to modern industrial societies with emphasis towards the United States, specifically, redefined the term. According …

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…University in Atlanta, Georgia, where he is a professor. Throughout his career in sociology, Agnew has continued to write various articles about the numerous advancements in Strain Theory. Two of several of his works that have been published in the Journal of Research of Crime and Delinquency are "Why Do They Do It: An Examination of the Intervening Mechanisms Between 'Social Control' Variables and Delinquency" and "Gender and Strain: A General Strain Theory Perspective" (Agnew, 1997).