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Essay Database > Literature > English
The term Anomie Anomie is a concept developed by Emile Durkheim (1858-1917) to describe an absence of clear societal norms and values. Individuals lack a sense of social regulation: people feel unguided in the choices they have to make. Anomie can occur in several different situations. For example, the undermining of traditional values may result from cultural contact. The concept can be helpful in partially understanding the experience of colonized Aboriginal peoples as their traditional …

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…he referred to included Ireland, Spain and France. Of course this could be owing to the egoistic suicide theory when one keeps in mind the Roman Catholic dominance in these countries. The reason Durkheim gives for it is that people relax into accepting that there are moral or social restrictions on their activity. In the event of an abrupt transition in society it becomes impossible, for a short time, for it to exercise its influence.