Annexation of Mexico

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Pages: 14
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Essay Database > History
That American annexation of Mexico would be mutually beneficial is nearly beyond dispute. The first is an ever-expanding "Land of Opportunity." The second is a troubled political and economic failure. The former stands as the economic success story capitalism. The latter crawls as a nation either unwilling or unable to utilize its own resources and, thus, languishes in economic collapse. While America sits to a small degree dismayed with the unethical maneuvering of her politicians, …

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… and responsibly about the options set before her. She has the opportunity to choose a course of action that will exist to the benefit of herself and the land she takes or she can follow another course to the detriment of all parties involved. In the end, only one path is viable. Only one road will prove to be the right. Only one way will fulfill her manifest destiny. That way is invasion.