Anne Sexton

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
All Her Pretty Ones, and then some.. An interpretation of the poetry of Anne Sexton Anne Gray Harvey was born in Newton, Massachusetts, in 1928. After attending one year of college, she eloped and married Alfred "Kayo" Sexton at the age of nineteen. They had their first daughter in 1953, and shortly after, in 1954, Anne Sexton was diagnosed with postpartum depression. Sexton was soon admitted to Westwood Lodge, a neuropsychiatric hospital. One year later, after the birth …

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…her life was indeed tragic and somewhat mysterious, her poetry reveals a great deal to us today. Her expertise in using poetic elements to successfully relate to theme is quite unique. "The Starry Night", "Her Kind", "Wanting to Die" and "Suicide Note" are prime examples of that fact. She simply wrote about her life and its miseries and presented it, using the elements of poetry, so that everyone could understand what she was longing for.