Anne Frank: Remembered

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
In the movie, Anne Frank Remembered, producers recounted the story of "Hitler's best-known victim", Anne Frank, through the memoirs of those individuals that best knew her and through the intimate confessions to her best friend and confidant, her diary. Woven into the plot of this unforgettable story, however, is a revelation that is even more terrifying than the details provided to us in Anne Frank's story, a discovery that which is the basis for Anne …

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…in which I am the minority, I am mistrusting of individuals who inquire about my personal life, I wonder if the clients I work with are going to be at their next appointment, I believe that racial profiling exists, and I fear the values, opinions, and stereotypes created by individuals who are misinformed about the true issues surrounding the immigration debate and more importantly, what the consequences might be as a result of their ignorance.