Annabelle, short story

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Essay Database > Literature
Annabelle One hour to go, one hour until Annabelle's point of infallibility. The most monumental decision of her life, would she go through with it or would the titanic pressure and binding nerves get the better of her? <Tab/>The wait was unbearable; one hour seemed to stretch on for a thousand years, her mind chewing up her thoughts like a dog to a bone. As she was jolted back into …

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…Still confused and uncertain of her surroundings she was lifted up off the cold terracotta tiles and embraced by a host of arms holding her soundly with so much warmth and love. It was then that she knew she was safe again with the most precious people in her life. At that moment she heard chiming of bells, powerful and clear. "Well that's our cue Annabelle, it's time for you to get married!" THE END!