Anna Sewell biography

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
ANNA SEWELL Anna Sewell was born in England in 1820. Of course, the world knows her best for her single work, Black Beauty, the life and times of a black horse with a single sock and a star, from his happy youth to his pleasant retirement and the turbulent events in between. At the time, England was called a "hell for horses". As a young Quaker girl, she and her mother often saw horses suffering terribly …

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…them are large 12 inch horses while the third is part of a smaller sized set including Merrylegs, Ginger and Beauty's mother, Duchess. Royal Doulton also has it's porcelain version. The story was about a horse that was well trained and was sold to a kind and loving master that had a horse and a pony that befriended black beauty. I think the story was somewhat boring but it really points out the cruelty toward horses.