Animation History

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Film & TV
American animated film owes its beginnings to the performers of Vaudeville, which before the invention of radio and television was the most popular form of entertainment in North America from 1875 until 1932. Vaudeville originated in Europe. The actual word vaudeville came from two French phrases: Val de Vire, which meant "valley of the river Vire" and voix de ville, which meant "voices of the town." The valley was a place where people would entertain one another …

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…Theatre in Los Angeles at a cost of over $1,000,000 unheard of at the time, especially during the depths of the Depression. The film is still considered to be one of the great monuments of the motion picture industry. During the next five years, Disney completed four more full-length feature films, Pinocchio, Fantasia, Dumbo and Bambi and went on to win over 40 Academy Awards and continued to dominate the field of animation to this very day.