Animal Testing: Are we right to give them no rights? (supports animal testing)

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There is a fine line between working toward a cause effectively and overdoing it. Animal rights activists cross this line time and time again with their outrageous protests attempting to abolish the use of animals in scientific experiments. They don't understand that it is crucial for scientists to carry out these experiments in order for our society to continue improving health wise. We live longer and healthier lives due to the testing of animals. They …

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…Healthcare. 21 Jan. 2005. Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University. 21 Jan. 2005 < >. The Search for Alternatives. Nov. 1996. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Animal Welfare Information Center. 20 Jan. 2005 <>. Useful Collection of Animal Testing Resources. 1 Jan. 2005. Murdock University School of Media, Communication and Culture. 20 Jan. 2005 <>.