Animal Testing

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Essay Database > Literature > English
ANIMAL TESTING Question: Which personal care, non-pharmaceutical products are required by law to be tested on animals? Answer: None Yes that is right. There is NO law that requires companies to test their personal care and household products on animals before selling them to consumers! Just picture this. Captured from the wilderness with his mother a young chimpanzee all of about 6 months is imprisoned in a cage, in a dark lonely room. Strange people (at …

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…and unjust practice. These animals are examined, blinded, scalded, force-fed chemicals, genetically manipulated and just plainly mistreated. The opposing view is that animal testing is required in order to save lives. Just take the story of the boy with the heart problem, he was saved by new procedure first discovered while doing experiments on lab animals. But I feel that man should find alternative means in discovering more about the world than using helpless creatures!