Animal Farm

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Globalisation and Regionalisation The economic ascendancy of East Asia and the integration of the Pacific Rim economies will be one of the defining features of the twenty-first century. Over the last two decades, economic growth in the Asia-Pacific has outstripped that of the rest of the world. Many regional economies have been growing at ten per cent a year or higher. The Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) economies now account for more than half of …

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…Trade and investment flows, political links and people movement within and without APEC impact directly on the countries of South Asia and Indo-China, not to mention other parts of the developing and industrialised world. Just as governments and elites from India to Vietnam are adopting the discourse and models of development perceived to underpin East Asia's economic success, so too are people in those countries experiencing the positive and negative consequences for their human rights.