Animal Farm - Power Corrupts

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Essay Database > Literature > English
In George Orwell's Animal Farm, power and control of the farm shifts from Mr. Jones to Snowball and from Snowball to Napoleon. Each, no matter how well their leadership, was corrupted by power in some way as compared to Russian leaders of the time. The most corrupt, being Napoleon, uses several methods of gaining more power and luxury. Like Stalin, Napoleon uses a Propaganda Department to make himself look good. The one responsible for Napoleon's …

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…drive away any opponent Napoleon might have had. Without any opposition, Napoleon is free to do his own bidding. As a result, Napoleon again is drowned with power and pride because the animals must respect him, or they will be turned into corpses. Too much power brings the worse in us. Any amount of power also corrupts. Great or little power corrupts us in a way that only seems natural to instincts of an animal.