Animal Experimentation

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Throughout the 20th century, scientists have continually made important and advantageous breakthroughs in numerous fields of studies. Many of the scientists responsible for these discoveries directly, or indirectly, used animals somewhere along the road to their goals and conclusions. This process of experimenting on animals is known as vivisection. Undoubtedly, these scientists did use vivisection; but that is not the question posed. Essentially, the question is what are the benefits, and what are the harms …

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…past these examples. We need to examine the issue on a cellular level, experiment to experiment. We should only conduct experiments that will really help further the ability to save human and animal lives. But we should always revert back to alternative methods whenever possible. Because when we are offered the possibility of the same, if not better results, with less pain and suffering of a living creature; we should take that opportunity whenever possible