Animal Cruelty: Are Laws Tough Enough

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Animal Cruelty: Are Laws Tough Enough Animal Cruelty is a continuing problem that grows each and every day. Animal cruelty is any inhumane or violent act towards any animal. Cruelty does not just pertain to physical abuse; neglect is also a form of abuse. To improve the treatment of animals it is necessary that animal cruelty becomes a felony offense. Although some states have made the transition of making animal cruelty a felony, there are …

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…with a felonious charge. Hopefully in the near future all states will carry the felony charge for animal cruelty offenses. With all the evidence that shows that animal cruelty is only the beginning of a series of abuse how can we keep letting these people get away with it? If we can possibly stop this person before they become a serious threat to society, how can we just sit here instead of trying to help?