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Essay Database > History
Anglo-Saxons In 410 A.D. the Roman legions were recalled to Rome to defend it against barbarian attacks, and Britain was left to fend for itself. Having no armies left the British people were left open to attack from the Picts which was by the sea down the east coast, for the Picts are described in one Late Roman source as a sea-going people - just like the Saxons. This account of the migrations from Germany, …

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…in Britain. Kent was the earliest and most advanced. Wessex developed steadily through the seventh century to become the dominant power in the south and the nucleus for the kingdom of England. In the Midlands, Mercia expanded by taking over territory which had been in British hands. The early English kingdoms were far from isolated political units. They not only had links with each other but also with Frankish Gaul, northern Germany, Scandinavia and th