Anger patient.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Geography
The group project was devoted to the topic of anger and, more specifically, to the problems healthcare professionals encounter when dealing with angry clients. Anger is a common and natural emotion and every person experiences it from time to time. Some of the common causes of anger include frustration, hurt, annoyance, disappointment, harassment, and threats. For those who experience anger, understanding what triggers it can help control it and express it productively. For healthcare workers, …

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…Care of Anger. New York, NY: The Guildford Press. Platt & Gordon (1999). Field Guide to the Difficult Patient Interview: Lippincott, Williams&Wilkins. Quek, T. (n.d.). The Problem of Anger. Retrieved Nov 8, 2004, from Stoppler, M. C. (2002). Angry Men Face Heart Risks. Retrieved Nov 14, 2004, from Weisberg, J. (1994). Does Anybody Listen? Does Anybody Care?. : Medical Group Management Association.