Anger Traits

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Essay Database > Literature > English
INTRODUCTION One of the most important ways we communicate emotions is through our facial expressions. Understanding these nonverbal cues is essential for both interacting and surviving any social encounter. Have you ever discussed an issue with someone whose nonverbal expression betrayed their verbal communication? For example a wife who says she loves her husband, while shaking her head side to side and frowning. In Mark Knapp and Judith Hall's book Nonverbal Communication in Human Interaction, …

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…additional variable of "held apart eyebrows" disputed my hypothesis. Held apart eyebrows is rarely observed in angry individuals. However, in my own observation women frequently held their eyebrows apart when asked to display anger. This variable was apparent in 33 percent of the women, but absent from the men. Not all variables produced a gender specific variance. For example, lowered eyebrows, raised eyebrows, non-vertical line, and blank stare were equally observed in both males and females.