Anger: A Personal Narrative

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Pages: 3
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Essay Database > Literature > North American
When people feel angry, they can choose to either defuse the situation, or let it take over their entire bodies. The latter can often lead to a more intense situation than necessary. Much of my adolescent years were spent getting into trouble. I was constantly ditching school, getting bad grades, and being sent to the principal's office, among other things. When my mother decided to try a new method of keeping me on track, I …

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…way that I did, I may not be the person I am today. I know that I may get mad at someone and someone may get mad at me, but that is what people do. It is part of being human. We move on with our lives and eventually get over it. Though we accept anger as a perfectly natural feeling to have, we need to learn how to handle it in a constructive way.