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Essay Database > Literature > English
Have you ever seen an Angel? The word ANGEL conjures an image of something with wings, a harp and a halo. Or maybe you think that an angel is someone that has died and came back with wings, a harp and a halo; sitting on a cloud plucking the harp and waiting to arrive at some unknown destination. The Hebrew word for angel is mal'ak, which means to dispatch as a deputy; messenger; ambassador. The …

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…gift shop. Angels are mighty beings of large stature. Angels are not people (humans) who have died. Another thing that angels are often confused with is cherubim (or cherub), but a cherub is a whole new creature entirely. And you thought you'd be an angel. People can't handle the concept that they might go to hell, so they invent fairy tales to believe in, to make them feel better; until it's too late. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**