Angela's ashes

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Film & TV
How does the sense of emotion and depth of characterisation diminish in the film version of " Angela's Ashes" "The book was much better than the film" is the ultimate cliché of the pretentious cinemagoer. However, as is the case with most clichés, there is an element of truth in this statement. For, while a picture might say a thousand words, there are some words that pictures can never …

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…situations as often the film glosses over traumatic events such as deaths of Frank's siblings and the psychological wearing down of Angela's resilience to her husbands irresponsible actions. The author's humour and wit lightens the book and making it enjoyable to the reader by painting entertaining images, whereas the film lessens the need for the use of imagination. The sense of emotion and depth of characterisation is diminished in the film version of Angela's Ashes.