Andy Warhol.

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Artists
When considering the life and works of Andy Warhol, one thing is agreed upon: for good or bad, he changed the visual construction of the world we live in. By the time of his death in 1987 he was ranked on the same level with Pablo Picasso and Jackson Pollock as one of the three most important artists of this century. He was a working man, a social climber, a person who liked to build things, …

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…which depicts nine dollar signs in various shades and colors. In the year before his death, Andy made of silk-screened prints of commercial ads with some deviations from the original. It was a kind of return to his original career as a commercial artist, but with the confidence he lacked before. He had indeed crossed the final bridge by turning commerce into art by his belief that anything could be art if he said so.