Andy Warhol and his painting Marilyns.

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Andy Warhol. Andy Warhol was born as Andrew Warhola in 1928. Although various dates were given as his date of birth, Andy's two older brothers and a birth certificate show that he was born on the 6th of August. He was born in Pittsburgh as the son of Slovak Immigrants, Julia and Andrej Warhola. After High school Andy studied commercial art at the Carnegie Institute of Technology in Pittsburgh. He graduated in 1949 where he then moved …

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…personality is definitely captured in this painting, in that he's style is very unique compared to other artists and he dares to be different. This wasn't the only print of this painting, there were many variations of this painting which used different colours and a different number of faces. Marilyns was painted in 1962 this was also the year when Marilyn Munroe supposedly committed suicide. This painting was probably a tribute to her in a way.