Andy Warhol: The Pop Art Movement.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
The Artist No other artist is as much identified with Pop Art as Andy Warhol. He was a modernist painter who wanted to get rid of the difference between 'fine art and 'commercial art', and wanted to show the world that art can be found in everyday objects, such as magazine illustrations, comic books, advertising campaigns, etc(Andy Warhol Biography). He started to paint familiar images such as money, comics, dollar signs, food, groceries, women's …

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…Biography). "It is a collage consisting of John F. Kennedy's head, female fingers breaking apart a slice of cake, and the right side of a '49 Chevrolet"(Foster, Hal 447). It leaves an upbeat mood, and suggests of good things to come. So although Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, and James Rosenquist all have different approaches to distinguishing the difference between fine art and commercial art, they are all a significant part of the Pop Art movement.