Andy Warhol: The Life and Art of the Prince of Pop.

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Artists
Andy Warhol: The Life and Art of the Prince of Pop Andy Warhol created the most sensational and often controversial art of the 1960's. He appropriated images that Americans knew and loved--like Campbell's soup cans and Coca-Cola--and transformed them into radical and enduring works of art. Andy's art did not give us answers; instead, it raised questions. He gave us a shocking look at what constitutes who we are. In grasping the essence of Pop …

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…ponders the meaning of the word "figment," it seems so appropriate. After all, he was a creation; a creation formed by society, for society. The most common metaphor used to describe Warhol and his art has been that of a mirror. Like a mirror, he offers no judgements. Like a mirror, Warhol's art is a perfect reflection; a reflection of American culture; a reflection of us. Andy, and his art, will not soon be forgotten.