Andy Warhol - 20th Century Genius

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Essay Database > Literature > Biographies
Introduction Andy Warhol became famous in the early 1960s for his now-legendary artworks featuring Campbell Soup cans. In the 1970s and 1980s, he began using photography and silk-screening techniques to capture portraits of everyday objects and celebrities like Elvis Presley, Elizabeth Taylor and Marilyn Monroe. When critics attacked his work as boring and unoriginal, he would reply that he was not a "creator" of art but a "recreator" (McShine, 1989). Critics wanted to know if he …

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…of appreciations from artists, colleagues, critics and friends," Art in America, (May 1987), p. 143. Rosenblum, R. and Whitney, D. Andy Warhol: Portrait of the 70's. (Random House/Whitney Museum of American Art, 1979) Schellmann, J. Andy Warhol, Art from Art. (Schirmer/Mosel Munich, 1994) The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts The Warhol Museum A visit to the Norton Simon Museum of Art, Pasadena California. December 9, 2001. Pop Culture exhibit.