"And of Clay We are Created" by Isabel Allende.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Perla Barraza World Literature 2nd pd And of Clay We Are Created Magical realism is reality mixed with a touch of non-reality. This makes Isabel Allende's stories interesting and unique. Magical realism consists of many characteristics of which are identified in "And of Clay We Are Created." Although some might not consider one of Isabel Allende's stories "And of Clay We Are Created" to be a magical realism story, many factors prove that it is. …

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…Created" is a magical realism story because the plots often change and the story deals with the mystery in life and human acts. Also Rolfe expresses feelings that are unexplainable in words, Azucena and Rolfe have an emotional response to the world, and the story is romantic, realistic, and naturalistic. These are the characteristics of magical realism in "And of Clay We Are Created". They are all factors that prove the presence of magical realism.