Ancient Spartan Government

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Essay Database > History
During the time in which Sparta existed, Spartans were well aware of what to expect in their life. Spartan life was simple, yet disciplined. The government of Sparta was harsh, however it was orderly and stable. Spartan government provided a life in which Spartans were offered few choices, instead, many choices would be made for them. The form of government practiced in Sparta was controlling toward the lives of children, men, and slaves. When persuing …

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…of Sparta was very controlling towards the lives of children, men, and slaves. Throughout the lives of each, few individual choices were offered, instead, decisions were made for them. In addition, each had to deal with difficult and unrewarding situations. Despite the order and stability of the government, the governmental control angered the Spartans. Many of the controlling acts towards children, men, and slaves that took place during this time are clearly unjust and immoral.