Ancient Rome

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Essay Database > History
Matthew Menzie Ancient Rome History 201, section 5 Robert Payne, Ancient Rome. New York: American Press, 1970. 329pp. Robert Payne (1911-1983) was born in Saltash, county of Cornwall, England. His love for writing began when he reported the battle the battle of Changsha for the London Times. Payne was best known for his many critically acclaimed biographies. His subjects included Charlie Chaplin, Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky, Gandhi, Shakespeare, Alexander the Great, George G. Marshall and many more. He …

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…of living are present and reinforced through diagrams and photographs of artifacts and ruins. As someone who has been to Rome and tasted its beauty, this book has satisfied my hunger for more knowledge and enlightenment of the ancient Roman Empire. Intelligently written yet not too difficult to understand nor keep interest, I would recommend this book to anyone who has interest in knowing the details of the ancient Roman Empire from beginning to end.