Ancient Japan

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Essay Database > History > World History
Vladimir jean Human beings may have inhabited the Japanese island chain as early as 200,000 years ago. Very little is known about where these people came from or how they arrived on the islands. IT is most likely they crossed a land bridge that temporarily linked the Japanese islands to the Korea Peninsula and eastern Siberia on the Asian continent. The Paleolithic culture of prehistoric Japan gave way to a Neolithic culture around 10,000 BC. Known as …

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…rights of the warrior class and clarified the duties of constables and other Kamakura officials. The code also attempted to restrain and discipline unruly warriors by enjoining them to respect the rights of other groups, including those of the religious establishments attached to temples and shrines. A set of practical laws based on local customs and practices, this new legal code replaced the elaborate Chinese-modeled codes adopted by the imperial government in the 8th century.