Ancient Greece
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Pages: 4
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Pages: 4
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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities
A Comparative Essay Ancient Greece 950 BCE was a culture that took great pride in perfection, excellence and overall greatness. The people weren't what today's society would consider modern, but of their time they were. The Greeks essentially molded the creative world with their intelligence in art, architecture, and astronomy for many cultures to come. The Romans who basically claimed the Greeks developments as their own destroyed many of their ideas and art forms. Even though
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Latoya Jackson, and Dionne Warwick. These women own psychic phone operations that promise people their fortunes by looking to the 'stars'. It is apparent, the Greek culture prided themselves on their excellence and superiority in the arts and astronomy. They introduced many innovations that are still seen within society today. Although most of the ancient Greek art and architecture has been destroyed, what remains has obviously impacted future cultures, as well as our own extensively.
Latoya Jackson, and Dionne Warwick. These women own psychic phone operations that promise people their fortunes by looking to the 'stars'. It is apparent, the Greek culture prided themselves on their excellence and superiority in the arts and astronomy. They introduced many innovations that are still seen within society today. Although most of the ancient Greek art and architecture has been destroyed, what remains has obviously impacted future cultures, as well as our own extensively.