Ancient Egypt, the Nile River, sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East and their relationship.

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Essay Database > History > Ancient History
Ancient Egypt was located in a critical location that resulted in the healthy development and growth of nearby countries and regions. Egypt's premier location along side the Nile River allowed for easy travel, communication and technological development, but with it came great responsibility and power from the surrounding regions. The relationship of ancient Egypt and Africa was an extremely important one. It is clear that Egypt was the largest of all early African societies, but …

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…carefully at the stars. Their priest-astronomers developed the first 365-day calendar; there were 12 months, three seasons (the Nile flooding season, the planting season, and the harvest season), each month had 30 days and the last month had 5 extra days. The problem with their calendar is that they did not account for leap years, later on the Middle East countries passed this on to the Romans who modified this calendar to the one that we use today.