Ancient Chinese Entertainment

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Essay Database > History > Asian History
Many of the modern games originated in China thousands of years ago! Well, it's true. Back then, noble Chinese ladies and gentlemen played games and had various kinds of entertainment. Hunting, Polo, and a type of football were just some of the more active games. The ancient Chinese also had quieter games. One ancient game called Liu Po was played long ago. Although the rules of this game were lost to modern times, it is …

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…taught the people to think creatively. A favorite Chinese puzzle is the Tangram. A Tangram is a square cut into seven different shapes. A person tries to put the seven pieces together to remake the square. The seven pieces are also used to create other shapes such as animals. Badminton was played and actually originated in China. Both children and adults in ancient China liked to play a game similar to our modern-day Frisbee toss.