Anaylysis of the novel " Mestro"

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Peter Goldworthy, a distinguished writer and winner of numerous literary awards has created a vivid life in the tropical hothouse of Darwin in description of 'Maestro'. It is against this backdrop that Goldworthy introduces Paul Crabbe, a young Southerner who encounters the 'Maestro', a talented pianist with a shadowy past. With a combination of irony and compassionate wit, Goldworthy explores a number of clearly relevant themes based around the two characters, of Eduard Keller and …

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…of music were Germans, yet it was them who committed the great of all crimes against humanity. Knowledge was accepting the paradoxes, seeing that life is not simple. The loss of innocence even though exposes Paul to the cruel world he has to live for the rest of his life, but it also makes Paul to be a better, more knowledgeable and wiser person as he is observing the world from his point of view.