Analyzing the human characteristics of the aged by using Maslow's theory of human needs
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Pages: 4
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Essay Database > Social Sciences
The Human Characteristics of the Aged
Talking or thinking of the aged people, quite often people assume somewhat a biased attitude. To become old, it seems to be of a different species, socially, culturally, physically, sexually and financially. Many young people think that it is hard for them to understand the strange behaviors of the old. But if you learn something about Maslow's theory of human needs, you will have a better understanding about the
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from other people. By analyzing the human characteristics of the aged with the theory of human needs by Maslow, I have a better understanding about old people's different behaviors and attitudes. Just as Shakespeare says, "Human life is a stage.", the old age is also an inevitable stage in everyone's life. As younger generations, we should give old people more understanding, support and praise, because what they experience today is what we will experience tomorrow.
from other people. By analyzing the human characteristics of the aged with the theory of human needs by Maslow, I have a better understanding about old people's different behaviors and attitudes. Just as Shakespeare says, "Human life is a stage.", the old age is also an inevitable stage in everyone's life. As younger generations, we should give old people more understanding, support and praise, because what they experience today is what we will experience tomorrow.