Analyzing Will in the film "Good Will Hunting"

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Film & TV
GOOD WILL HUNTING Good Will Hunting is the story of a kid, Will, who's life edges toward self-destruction and how four people try to haul him back. Will is an extremely gifted intellect, who is working as a janitor when he should be doing much greater things. His habits included hanging out with his friends and living a really laid back lifestyle. He is clearly destined for bigger things but fails to realize the gift …

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…to accomplishing superior things with his life. He helped Will come to know himself by showing him that you need to take chances and that it is okay to fail as long as you gave it your best, and continue to try again not admitting defeat. By telling Will of his past experiences, Sean showed Will that it doesn't matter where you come's who you become and that you don't have any regrets.