Analyzing Themes of To Kill a Mockingbird

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
Analyzing Themes of To Kill A Mockingbird Harper Lee's first novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, displays the life of a small southern family struggling through the depression in Maycomb, Alabama. Similar to any other southern town, the prejudiced whites look down upon the Negroes. The family overcomes many obstacles thrown at them by the prejudiced town. Throughout To Kill a Mockingbird, the major themes of courage, innocence, and prejudice are instrumental in the portrayal of …

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…being the only girl in the family and living without a female role model. The three themes that Miss Harper Lee interweaves through the novel come into conflict with each other many times. The courage to stand up against prejudice is more difficult than you would expect. Innocence begins with youth, but soon leaves with maturity. The Finch family faces prejudice and fights it, but they cannot overcome the hatred of the residents of Maycomb.