Analyzing Sculpture.

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Essay Database > History
Sculpture is one of the few pieces of art that engages our senses differently than with any other type of art. This is because sculpture occupies spaces a three-dimensional mass, compared to paintings that occupy two-dimensional spaces. Paintings and other two- dimensional artwork can suggest density, but sculpture is dense. We fully apprehend sculpture by using no only the visual and tactile senses, but also the weight and volume behind those surfaces. However, Sculpture is …

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…home. women's war was different from the men's - instead of exploding in the jungle, it blew up in the mind. Surrounded by death, the nurses had to shut down emotionally. They could not show their feelings to the soldiers they were trying to heal. ninety percent of who served in the health care professions, nursing and tending to the casualties of war. They were just a few of the heroes during the Vietnam War.