Analyze the impact of various events on the American Industrial worker between 1865 and 1900.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
I. Background information on industry and workers A. Between the period of 1865-1900, industry exploded in growth B. There were many contributors that included government action, labor unions, immigration, and technological changes. 1. Government action tried to help the workers by decreasing corporations' control over employees 2. Labor unions tried to increase benefits and make working easier 3. Immigration helped by having a cheap, abundant labor source for businesses to use 4. Technological changes both helped and hurt workers …

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…th ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2006. "History of Labor Unions." The Labor Union Movement in America. The Social Studies Help Center. 19 Mar. 2006 <>. "American Federation of Labor." American Federation of Labor. 11 Mar. 2006. Wikipedia. 19 Mar. 2006 <>. "Trade union." Trade union. 19 Mar. 2006. Wikipedia. 19 Mar. 2006 <>.