Analyze the factors that have led to the decline in party influence in Congress.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Political Science
The decline of party strength and influence began in the 19th century, partly due to the growth of the federal government under FDR whose 'New Deal' establishment served to undermine traditional social functions once carried out by party machines, thus weakening party loyalty. In the 1960's and 1970s new issues such as civil rights, feminism, environmentalism and consumer rights arose to challenge traditional voting habits. These issues did not divide neatly along party lines and …

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…Modern presidents, facing a fragmented Congress, aggressive pressure groups and a skeptical media, cannot afford the luxury of limited experience. Unfortunately, the modern election system tends to favor those candidates who are effective campaigners rather than those who may be effective administrators. Given these difficulties, it is not surprising that recent Presidents have appeared to struggle. The cement of practical experience, party loyalty and common cause is too often thin or nonexistent at both ends.