Analyze how the American way of waging war during WW2 influenced the United States in the conduct of limited warfare in the post-World War Two era.

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Essay Database > History > European History
Question: Analyze the American way of waging war compared to the Japanese and German conduct of war in World War Two and how that experience influenced the United States in the conduct of limited warfare in the post-World War Two era. Address the societal aspects of the United States as they influenced its way of war. Be specific in your answer by discussing technology, tactics, formations, organizations, weaponry, training, doctrine and leadership. Use specific examples …

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…within ten years. This marked the first step in ending the arms race, and although not entirely successful in the beginning (especially with Reagan's insistence that SDI research continue), became one of the foundations for the ending of the Cold War. ***Note, this was from a timed-essay, and I ran out of time before really rounding out this paper....therfore, the information needs to be rounded out and a better intro and conclusion worked out.