Analyze how Dir. Scott Hicks used the elements of film (angle, light, sound, time, color) to elicit a specific emotional response from his audience; use vocab and specific examples from the film

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Film & TV
A film director has a very difficult job. He is to find some way to combine a multitude of elements like image, sound and the passage of time to create a story and he must do it in such a way that, when it is presented to a large group of different people, it can elicit a common emotional response through them all. If a director hopes to succeed at his art, he must learn …

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…the others had been, but the emotional source of the power was entirely different. It is a truly outstanding director that can emotionally regulate an audience simply by crafting a scene well enough and by knowing what emotional effects each element of film can produce. There are very few who have truly conquered the subtleties of this media, but with film work like Shine, Scott Hicks has more than earned his place among their numbers.