Analyzation of the novel by Carson Mccullers The Heart is a Lonely Hunter. It's about the character and plot development of the novel and the literary and rhetorical devices used throughout.

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The Heart is a Lonely Hunter is set in an unnamed town in the Deep South between the spring of 1938 and august 1939. The main characters John Singer, Mick Kelly, Dr. Copeland, Biff Brannon, and Jake Blount have their lives changed or affected, though some less then others. Singer becomes so distraught over his friends death, and in the end he commits suicide. Dr. Copeland, who is extremely sick, allows his daughter Portia to move him …

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…atever form--are the only two ideas that give meaning to life, thus allowing the novel to end on a positive note despite everything that had happened with all of the other characters. "For in a swift radiance of illumination he saw a glimpse of human struggle and of valor. Of the endless fluid passage of humanity through endless time. And of those who labor and of those who-one word-love. His soul expanded."(Part 3 Ch. 4 pg. 306)