Analyzation of a quote from Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
In Things Fall Apart, Achebe focuses on differences in culture and society. In the quote, "The world has no end, and what is good among one people is an abomination with others." Uchendu is discussing with Okonkwo and Obierka the massacre in Abame. I agree with the quotation. Many people have their own ways of doing things and then their actions are criticized by others. A prime example of this is religious groups in the …

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…bludgeoning of itself. It keeps going around in circles, and until one group decides to understand the other, the cycle will continue. Basically, the beliefs misunderstood by stubborn people who do not want to understand are picked on. The people whose beliefs are in question get angry and these differences are set in motion. And truly, until we all understand each other, universally, this cycle of craziness will certainly never end, making Uchendu's statement correct.