Analytical Essay on the Flood Narratives in 'Gilgamesh' and the Bible

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Flood narratives are present in both the Sumerian epic of Gilgamesh and in the Bible and although they are very similar, they are also very different. The Sumerian version of the flood story is related to a polytheistic, antropocentric and fatalistic worldview, while the Hebrew myth is based on a monotheistic, theocentric and ethically casual worldview. The big differences are evident already from the start of the stories. While in the Bible, God makes his …

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…anything without a good reason. Evey action is justified. In conclusion, as it is evident from the previous paragraphs, the two myth are very different and in some cases even contradictory despite the fact that Hebrew myth is rooted upon Sumerian flood narrative. As has been stated and prooved before, the two flood stories are different because of the contrast between a polytheistic, antropocentric and fatalistic worldview, and a monotheistic, theocentric and ethically casual one.